to Mrs. Amato's Sixth Grade Class
Creek R-V Elementary
CalendarAssignmentsNewsletter3 Rs
1 dozen #2 pencils ruler(metric/standard combo)Supplies
red ink pens clear protractor
blue or black pens scissors
1 box colored pencils glue
1 large eraser 2 boxes of Kleenex5 single subject notebooks OR 5 composition books
loose leaf notebook paper
3 pocket folders with fasteners (1 blue, 1 red, 1 yellow)
calculator (optional)
Communication Arts
Scholastic's Homepage Basic Guide to Essay Writing
MathematicsAlgebra Online Figure This! Math Challenges for Families Click on Bricks Flashcards for Kids! Sponsored by CANITech Eric Weisstein's World of Mathematics Totally Tessellated The Math Forum - Ask Dr. Math
Kapili:Welcome to Chem4Kids.com! Your Chemistry Web Site!
Just for Kids About.com : http://seds.lpl.arizona.edu/nineplanets/nineplanets/nineplanets.html
Home @ nationalgeographic.comNational Zoo Home Page - Animals, Plants, People, Movies and More. Exhibits Collection -- Amusement Park Physics
Social Studies
Maps and Globes
Official City Sites, Official City Web Sites, Official City Home Pages
State of Missouri KIDS PageAmerican Treasures from the Library of Congress The Food Timeline The Valley of the Shadow: Two Communities in the American Civil War Exhibits Collection -- Renaissance
I hope everyone has had a wonderful summer!
I am looking forward to an awesome school year!!
What's your goal for the year?
Everybody Counts!
Core Subjects
We will be using a Reader's / Writer's Workshop format for most of our Communication Arts subject area. Included in the workshop you will continue using Accelerated Reader / Reading Renaissance for the basis of your reading. You will also have the opportunity to read non Accelerated Reader books to count as part of your grade if a project is completed with the book. SRAs will also be a part of your learning experience. I will let you know more about this the first week of school. However, you will not receive store points for these books. Sorry! We will also be writing in all sorts of manners. You will be writing in a journal for at least 5 minutes prior to your reading time every day. We will be diagramming sentences in order to become better writers, and we will be working on Daily Oral Language for part of our morning work. To become wonderful authors, we will start by writing simple sentences, compound sentences, followed by complex sentences. At the sixth grade level, you should be using a variety of sentence structures within your writing, with a greater percentage in the complex category. YOU CAN DO THIS! I WILL HELP YOU!! I WILL NOT LET YOU FAIL! We will then progress to paragraphs, and then to - can you guess?? - stories, essays, books, etc. I can't wait to get started!
Yeah for math! We had the pleasure of having received new text books the middle of last school year. They are fantastic! They are full of current information and real life math problems. Each chapter has projects, hands-on learning, and games. The publisher of the books also has a web site to learn even more about each chapter. Within the web site is a game for each chapter. See how well you do! There will also be quizzes to go with each chapter so we can quickly correct any detours in the road to success. Our first chapter we will learn the basics to all good problem solving strategies, and jump into alegbra. Don't worry - you've solved algebra problems since you were 2 years old. You just didn't call it algebra. We will then move into statistics, graphing, decimals, fractions, and ratios. By the start of the second semester, we should be moving into geometry, continuing with algebra, and adding probability. Let's be successful! NOTE--Calculators are permitted in math class, however they are not required. Calculators do not take the place of knowing our math facts. There is also a great link to practice those and try to beat the clock.
We will be learning about General Science, Earth Science, Physics, Chemistry, and Life Science. We will also be using Cooperative Learning in science. That means we will work with partners and small groups just like real scientists. You will receive more information about this the first week of school. We will begin the year by learning how to write up science experiments/investigations. We will also use web sites to further our scientific understanding. Students will not be surfing - these sites will be ready to go, and some will be accessible through this web site. One example is in the subject area of volcanoes. Within their website, we can look up active volcanoes and see pictures of all the different types of volcanoes.
We will further our knowledge of the development of the United States, and then we will conquer the WORLD - including Ancient Civilizations. We will begin where they left off as fifth graders last year in U.S. history starting with Andrew Jackson and the Westward Expansion. We will be taking many notes during Social Studies and finding ways to organize them that work best individually. Daily notes will be a portion of your grade, and it is a very good way to be an active learner. We will also be doing some mini-plays to go with various time periods that we will be studying. We may begin the year with a play about the Boston Tea Party before we begin with President Jackson. We will also be investigating the political process, and we will be learning about economics as well.